Our abstract submission is closed.
We would like to thank all authors who contributed their abstracts!
Poster & Oral Guidelines
1. Poster Presentation Format
- Include your official POSTER NUMBER on the top left corner in your poster material. The number should be large enough for people to quickly identify your poster as they are walking down the aisles. If you don’t receive logistic guides, please contact the secretariat at iswavld2019@vnuexhibtionsap.com
- The official language of the conference is English and there will be no translation.
- Prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 8 feet (240 cm.). Letters should be at least 6 mm. in height for the text and 10 mm. for the section headings.
- The board will be used VERTICALLY. Dimensions of the poster board are 237 cm. high x 95 cm. wide. These are the maximum dimensions to follow when creating your poster, but you should make your poster smaller. Recommended size for poster is 120 cm. high x 95 cm. wide (A0).
- Please bring your own supplies to mount posters: double sided tape, masking tape, adhesive putty, etc.
- Poster set-up is on 19 June 2019 from 13:00 – 17:00 hrs. on 2nd floor at The Empress Convention Center
- Poster tear-down is on 21 June 2019 from 18.30 – 21.00 hrs.
- Your presenting session is as follows:
20 June 2019: 11.10 – 11.40 hrs. and 15.15 – 15.45 hrs.21 June 2019: 10.00 – 10.45 hrs. and 15.00 – 16.00 hrs. -
Poster List
Poster No. 1-26 Student Poster
Poster No. 27-49 Swine
Poster No. 50-58 Avian
Poster No. 59-82 Ruminant
Poster No. 83-96 Companion Animal
Poster No. 97-102 Wildlife and Exotic Animal
Poster No. 103-117 Veterinary Public Health
Poster No. 118-120 Animal Toxicology and Laboratory Animals
2. Oral Presentation Slide Format
- Please note that the slide formats that we require will be in 4:3 format
- Preferred presentation software is PowerPoint format.
- Please use standard font: Arial, Helvetica and Tahoma.
- If your presentation includes videos, please make sure that you save the original video file in the same folder with the PowerPoint file. Then, send all files in ZIP folder to the secretariat.
- Please submit the files to the secretariat within 12 June 2019 because we need to check your files and prepare at the slide preview room.
- The official language of the conference is English and there will be no translation.
Slide Preview Room (Boardroom 3, Ground Floor, The Empress Convention Center) - If you’d like to review and edit your presentation file once again, please come to this room. You will find your file there. Please finish your presentation slides at least 2 hours before your session.
- If you will bring your own MacBook, kindly note to bring the special adaptor to connect with the projector along with you.
- To facilitate your session better, we also provide a laptop on the stage in your presenting room.